4 Ways to Create a Node Red Dashboard
Node Red is a browser based programming tool that allows you to connect code blocks that accomplish tasks. It uses nodes and flows to easily write code that can connect to APIs, hardware, or online services. Learn how to use Node Red with Initial State.

ESP32 Temperature Monitor
In this post, I will walk through how to build a ESP32 temperature sensor system. The ESP32 combined with a DHT22 sensor will send temperature data to a data visualization tool.

Arduino Tian Weather Hub
Learn how to use a combination of Python, classic Arduino sketches, the Lucky Shield, and Weather Underground to turn your Arduino Tian into your very own weather hub.

Stream to a Real-Time Web Dashboard from any Arduino
Arduinos have been a Maker favorite for years. They’re powerful, small, and always open source. With the advent of tiny, cheap WiFi chips like the ESP8266, many Arduinos and third-party boards are now also network connected! The best part about a network connection? You can stream to Initial State! Learn how …

Building & Monitoring a Crypto Mining Farm
Learn how to build and monitor your own cryptocurrency mining farm in this detailed tutorial series. Learn how to source and assemble mining rigs, install software optimized for mining on the Ethereum blockchain, and monitor your farm using IoT concepts.

An Amazon Dash Silent Doorbell
Constantly looking out the window so that you can intercept visitors before they ring the doorbell? Tired of the dogs and baby going crazy anytime it rings? Don’t want to spend a fortune on a “smart” solution. Making a silent doorbell is as easy as hacking a $5 Amazon Dash Button! The only other thing you need is a computer that’s always at home – like, say, that Raspberry Pi you’ve got sitting around.

Electric Imp Office Sensor Hub
Electric Imp a beautiful marriage between cloud and physical device that makes large scale IoT deployments very easy. The particular breakout board we’ll be going over how to use comes with temperature, humidity, pressure, and gyroscopic sensors built-in in addition to 4 Grove connector pins for even more plug-and-play sensors. With the ImpExplorer, we set up an entire office monitoring hub for $40.

Particle Electron: Cellular Portable Streaming GPS
In this project, we’ll go over how to setup your Particle Electron, attach a GPS module, and stream GPS data to a web-connected dashboard. For a mere $112 and about an hour, you can have a portable, streaming GPS that’s reliable, rechargeable, and reprogrammable over-the-air.

Easily View and Compare Fitbit Data Trends
Learn how to send activity data from your fitbit to a dashboard you can view in your web browser using IFTTT and Initial State. Combine your fitbit data with data from other sources into a single dashboard you can easily share with your friends and family.

PubNub Live Twitter Dashboard: Visualizing Trump
Using a combination of Twitter’s API, IBM Watson’s Sentiment Analysis, and Initial State’s data visualization all working together through the PubNub Data Stream Network, learn how people feel about the current U.S. President, Donald Trump and perform your own experiments!